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We need a system of accountability for the District Attorneys. Especially with regard to the pretrial intervention programs. We need some serious over sight for these programs. On another note, victims and their families need to have somewhere to turn, when a DA fails to recuse himself in a case where his relative is the accused. Such was the case when my son Jonah Holden, a child with Autism was strangled by DA Phillip Terrell’s family member. This DA refused to prosecute his relative. He should have been required to recuse himself and when he did not, there should have been a place that we could turn to for help. Yet he has friends in high places and he has strategically donated to the right campaign funds. I turned to one of those entities that had accepted $5,000 from Terrell, and I received no help! In my opinion, this is one of the reasons he can do things like this and get away with it. Those running for political office should protect their reputation and refuse donations from individuals who lack integrity. Of course when he has buddies on the Supreme Court working to protect him, this only compounds the problem. There is a good ole boy system of Justice at play here in Louisiana. Until someone breaks through that filthy mess, there will be no accountability and no Justice.

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What happened to LAVNS? Through the Louisiana Automated Victim Notification System you can register to be notified automatically when an offender is released, transferred, or escapes from a Parish facility or has a change in case status.Are they not doing their job?


Louisiana Automated Victim Notification System Offender Search

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